Bruxism and TMJ Therapy
“Besides advising our patients to try be relaxed on a healthy way (with Yoga and meditation whenever it´s possible), we also recommend to wear a dental night guard, to stop the damage that bruxism generates due to stress on your teeth.” Dr. Rubí Casares
If you wake you in the morning with a headache, cervical and jaw pain, or even experience pain in the ear, it´s possible that you´re compressing too much and wearing your teeth during the night. This is called Bruxism and can even occur during the day.
Nowadays, life can be really stressing and our teeth don´t escape from the damages that stress causes to our body. The reflection of that stress on our mouth is Bruxism. This, produces serious damage on our temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and on our teeth, causing fracture and severe wear. To avoid bruxism, we recommend our patients to practise Yoga and meditation, and try to be conscious about what they do with their jaw during the day, trying not to press too much their teeth. As we know this isn´t enough, we also recommend using a night guard to protect and avoid irreversible damage on teeth and TMJ.
During the first visit, our specialists will check your Rx studies and perform an exhaustive clinical exam of your teeth and TMJ. We´ll also take some impressions to provide the laboratory so they can make your night guard.
On the second appointment, the patient will try the night guard and we will adapt the bite on it to make the experience of using it, as comfortable as it can be.